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The Xebex Sledtrac Lite 5000 combines a user-driven treadmill and weighted sled with 2 incline positions into one space-saving unit. Our patented Dynamic Sled handle engages the user’s core and balance to accurately simulate life-like lsed movements. Adjust between 10 resistance levels up to 900 watts and feel the burn! This incredibly versatile treadmill and sled combination delivers a performance-driven, full-body training combo catered to everyone from beginner to seasoned pros.

SKU: T-STL-5000 Category: Brand: Xebex Brand:


How Does it Compare to Other Treadmills? The Xebex Sledtrac Lite 5000 combines a user-driven treadmill and weighted sled with 2 incline positions into one space-saving unit. Our patented Dynamic Sled handle engages the user’s core and balance to accurately simulate life-like sled movements. Adjust between 10 resistance levels up to 900 watts and feel the burn! This incredibly versatile treadmill and sled combination delivers a performance-driven, full-body training combo catered to everyone from beginner to seasoned pros.



Dynamic Sled

It’s designed to create a dynamic workout that engages your core while you tackle challenging sled pushes. Experience the unique design of our patented dynamic sled handlebar, which integrates into a moving guide rail so the handlebar engages the user with movement and resistance for a truly immersive experience.You have the freedom to adjust and conquer the 10 levels of resistance, reaching up to 900 Watts. Additionally, you can challenge yourself with a 2-level slope incline, which goes from 7% up to 16%, for an even more intense workout.

Fixed Sled

This sled mode offers precise control and stability, allowing you to focus on lower body workouts while improving speed and stability. Engage in forward, backward, or lateral sled pushes, along with high incline leg exercises. You can achieve a maximum resistance of 900 Watts with 10 different levels. Explore unlimited User-generated speed and two incline levels (7% and 16%), perfect for a calorie-burning workout sessions.

Self-Powered Step

Unleash the power of our treadmill features, designed for endurance and speed. Take on challenging sprint and mini programmed workouts, pushing your limits every step of the way. User driven speed from easy light walk to hard intense sprint, while challenging a demanding 2-level slope (7% and 16%) incline to tailor an intense workout.

Designed for durability, versatility, and eco-friendly

the Xebex Sledtrac Lite 5000 boasts an innovative self-powered resistance system (no plugs needed), allows the user’s to train at their own pace, skill level or comfort preferences, delivering a customized workout experience. Treat this as a non-motorized treadmill that you can use as a sled. With its 20-inch wide running deck that comes pre-waxed, ensuring a secure and frictionless running encounter. Its sturdy construction is purpose-built to withstand even the most intense movements, providing solid stability for your demanding workout sessions.

2 Levels Incline

the Xebex Sledtrac Lite 5000 boasts an innovative self-powered resistance system (no plugs needed), allows the user’s to train at their own pace, skill level or comfort preferences, delivering a customized workout experience. Treat this as a non-motorized treadmill that you can use as a sled. With its 20-inch wide running deck that comes pre-waxed, ensuring a secure and frictionless running encounter. Its sturdy construction is purpose-built to withstand even the most intense movements, providing solid stability for your demanding workout sessions.



XEBEX SLEDTRAC LITE STL-5000: Deep Dive Review


1. What sets the Xebex STL-5000 apart from other fitness equipment?

The Xebex STL-5000 is a unique combination of a user-driven treadmill and weighted sled with two incline positions, providing a versatile and space-saving workout solution.

2. Can you explain the Dynamic Sled handle and its role in the workout?

The patented Dynamic Sled handle engages the user’s core and balance, accurately simulating life-like sled movements. It adds a dynamic element to your workout, enhancing the overall training experience.

3. How adjustable is the Xebex STL- 5000, and what resistance levels does it offer?

Users can adjust between 10 resistance levels, providing a range of intensities for various fitness levels. The resistance goes up to 900 watts, allowing users to customize their workouts and feel the burn.

4. Is the Xebex STL- 5000 suitable for all fitness levels?

Yes, this versatile treadmill and sled combination is designed to cater to everyone, from beginners to seasoned pros. The adjustable resistance levels and dynamic sled movements make it adaptable to individual fitness goals.

5. Can I use the Xebex STL-5000 for specific training goals?

Absolutely. The Xebex STL-5000 is a performance-driven, full-body training combo. Whether you aim for cardiovascular fitness, muscle building, or overall strength conditioning, it caters to a variety of training goals.

6. How realistic are the sled movements on the Xebex STL- 5000?

The Dynamic Sled handle and weighted sled design can simulate life-like sled movements, providing a challenging and engaging workout experience.

7. Does the Xebex STL- 5000 come with any pre-programmed workouts?

While specifics may vary, many Xebex models include pre-programmed workouts designed to add variety and challenge to your training routine. The console on the STL-5000 does come with standard workout mini-programs to test your time, distance, and intensity.

8. How is the resistance set?

The resistance is set by inputting a level from 0-9 for the resistance amount Highest Level (0) = 900 Watts.

9. Why use watts as a measuring indicator?

Watts are a measure of the rate of energy transfer over a unit of time. That means watts takes into account weight, distance, and time and is therefore a more accurate measurement of power than just static weight. Since weight is a static measurement and watts considers weight, time, and distance, there is no way to convert watts into weight.

10. Is 900 Watts enough resistance for me?

900 watts is the maximum amount of opposing resistance provided by the generator and should be enough for you. A professional cyclist produces roughly 1000 watts in short bursts/sprints for only brief periods of time.

11. What happens if I go over 900 watts?

The console will read up to 999 watts and always displays the current watt output you’re producing. 900 watts is how much opposing force the motor will provide. If you set the resistance to 900 watts and do not exceed 900 watts, your speed will be lower than the default speed, and you’ll move slowly. If you set your resistance to 900 watts and exceed 900 watts, your speed will be faster than the default speed and the console will display your current watt output up to 999 watts.









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