Take your Bicep development to maximum limits with our Preacher Curl Bench
Isolating the biceps for pure growth? Look no further than the Preacher Curl Bench. The 30° incline makes this bench ideal for targeting development, giving you maximum stretch and full range of motion to make sure you hit every fiber of your biceps.
Key Benefits:
Isolation Biceps, Targeted: Instead, it touches on overall mass, especially of the lower biceps, which many people do not focus on.
Range of Motion: Increased flexibility with a deeper stretch and full contraction.
Reduced Strain: Does not put pressure on elbows and lower back for comfortable workouts.
- Home Use: Life Time on Everything, Frame, Pulleys, Cables and Upholstery.
- Commercial Use: Lifetime Frame.
- 2 Years Pulleys, Bushings, Bearings and Hardware.
- 1 Year Labour, Cables, Upholstery.
- and all other components 1 year.
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